Complaints Policy
for Wareham Forest Tourist Park
How we will use any information you give us:-
Any information you give to us in connection with a complaint will be processed in accordance with the law and our privacy policy which can be found here.
Why we need a complaints policy:-
We aim to provide excellent services but we do understand that things can go wrong. If that happens we want to know so that we can put the problem right and improve.
We hope you will contact as soon as possible if you are unhappy. Many problems can be sorted out quickly and informally. Sometimes a delay means the chance is lost.
However, we will also commit to investigating a complaint under a formal procedure where we have been unable to sort it out informally, or that is not appropriate for any reason. This may be because the complaint is particularly serious or affects the rights of third parties, for example.
How to make a formal complaint:-
We keep formalities to a minimum but we do ask that you make sure that our Manager is personally aware of the complaint if you wish us to consider it formally. You may contact them through reception or call, write or email as you prefer.
If they are absent from work, then we will tell you about cover arrangements. For example, if you telephone whilst our Manager is away then you may receive a call to let you know when they are next available.
Please make sure when you contact us that you leave your own contact details.
Whether we will investigate your formal complaint:-
You may ask us to use the formal procedure for a complaint at any time and we will do so unless there is a good reason. For example, we may refuse to investigate a complaint which is the same or similar to a previous complaint which we have resolved or rejected.
We may also decide ourselves we wish to use the formal procedure for you complaint.
Our formal complaints procedure:-
We will usually take the steps below. If we decide to take other steps, or if there is to be a delay, we will tell you and explain why.
Step 1 is to acknowledge your complaint by email or letter. We aim to do so within one week of receiving your complaint.
Step 2 is to investigate your complaint. We aim to complete our investigation within three weeks of receiving your complaint. However, this step may take longer in some cases. We want to be sure that we understand why you are unhappy, whether the complaint is justified and if so what the options are for resolving it.
Step 3 is to respond to your complaint. We will tell you whether we have upheld your complaint in full or in part, or rejected it. Where appropriate, we will apologise to you and we will propose a resolution. We aim to do this within one week of completing our investigation.
Step 4 is for you to tell us whether you accept our response to your complaint. If you do so, then that is the end of the procedure.
Step 5, if you do not accept our response, is for you to ask us to reconsider. YOU MUST ASK US NO LATER THAN THREE WEEKS FROM THE DATE ON WHICH WE SEND YOU OUR RESPONSE. For example, if we send you our response on 1 May then you must ask us no later than 22 May. This time limit applies in the same way whether we have sent you our response by email or post.
Step 6 is for us reconsider your complaint. We will usually ask a more senior member of the business to do this and send you our final decision within four weeks of your request for reconsideration.
Other options if you are not satisfied with our decision:-
We are members of the British Holiday & Homes Park Association. If, after receiving our final decision, you are still not satisfied then you may refer your complaint to their Conciliation Service in one of the following ways:
By post to BH&HPA, 6 Pullman Court, Great Western Road, Gloucester, GL1 3ND
by telephone on 01452 526 911; or
by email at enquiries@bhhpa.org.uk
This service is free of charge to you.
Your statutory rights:-
​Nothing in these conditions will reduce your statutory rights as a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights contact your local authority Trading Standards Department or Citizens Advice Bureau.